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Thursday, 27 July 2017

A Drink For You!

So, as mentioned in my last review of Wish Studios `That's You!` - Me and and a few of my friends have been thinking up some drinking rules that will amplify it's fun and serve as a great way to spice up pre-drinks before you head out!

To start with, go and fetch your favourite alcoholic beverage. Some of these rules involve large intakes of alcohol so make sure you know your limits, and pick a drink that won't leave you paralytic.

My Drink of choice?

Trusty old whiskey. However there's nothing wrong with taking the weaker option (even if spirits are just more fun).

The Rules

So let's crack on with how these rules work. If you haven't played That's You! I suggest giving my review of it a quick read as these rely on understanding how the game works.

1) Whenever that beautifully filtered mug of yours is selected as an answer, you've got to take a drink buddy. (in cases of even splits - every player selected takes a drink)

2) Be it in the school, the bar, or on the train, if it's your category and everyone's just laughing at how well or little they know you - you've got the power. Throughout your round, at any point, as many times as you want, you can yell "DRINK" or whatever word you like, causing every participating player to drink. (Be respectful. No one likes annoying repetition).

3) If you're the odd one out, you've gotta pay. Upon answer revelation if it turns out that you were only in your answer and no one else agreed then it's time for you to drink buddy.

4) Following on from that, if you also happen to use a joker for this answer then down half your drink there and then.

5) If everyone picks you, take a moment to drown your sorrows by drinking 3 times.

6) For the `Word` and `Drawing` rounds, if you're drawing gets the most votes as funniest/most relevant then you get to nominate someone else to drink - along with how much they have to drink.

7) So that everyone gets a chance to drink at least once per round, whenever you get a new joker - take a drink buddy.

8) And the last rule requires a little bit of trust. If you get cocky and end up depleting your supply of jokers, you must admit this to your group and proceed to drink!

That's all for these rules. Nicole Aitken, Matthew Case, and myself tested these rules just the other day and I assure you they'll definitely get you at least tipsy! The more people the more chances to drink so try and get a party of six together! (more than six don't worry, just divide into teams of two per player).

If any of you do try these rules I'd love to know what you thought and if you have any recommendations! Drink responsibly and try not to kill one another.

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